Low Mass 8.30am
Terce 10.15am
Solemn Mass10.30am
Sext 12.00pm
Rosary 12.30pm First Sundays
Low Mass 7.00am
Low Mass 6.00pm
Low Mass 7.00am
Exposition 5.55pm
Sung Mass7.00pm
ComplineAfter Mass
First Fridays:
Sung Mass 7.00pm
Low Mass 6.15pm
First Saturdays:
Low Mass 9.00am followed by Novena to Our Lady
Low Mass 9.00am


Mon: 6.​45​-6.50am
Tue: 5.​45​-6.05pm
Wed: 6.​45​-6.50am
Thu: 6.10-6.45pm
Fri: 5.​45​-6.05pm
Sat: 8.30-9.00am
Sun: 8.10 am onwards​ and​ 10 am onwards


Weddings & Baptisms:
by appointment
First Communion:
Low SundayGaudete Sunday


The Maternal Heart of Mary Church at Lewisham is an Archdiocese of Sydney Personal Parish for the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments. Catholics here have full access to the traditional sacramentals, traditional pastoral life and orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church under obedience to the Archbishop of Sydney, the Most Reverend Anthony Fisher OP.

The Most Reverend Anthony Fisher, OP

Our parish has been given permission by the then Archbishop of Sydney, His Eminence George Cardinal Pell, to preserve the Traditional Latin Mass in its integrity through the ministry of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP). The FSSP priests offer Sydney Catholics an opportunity to participate in the full spectrum of traditional Catholic life, especially here at Lewisham.

His Eminence George Cardinal Pell.

In August, 2013, His Eminence erected Maternal Heart of Mary Church as a personal parish and placed it under the pastoral care of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter.

The Very Reverend Fr John Berg, Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter.

Before 2013, our parish existed as community having been given a mandate to worship in the Traditional Roman Rite under the provisions of the Apostolic Letter Ecclesia Dei in 1988. His Holiness Pope John Paul II issued the motu proprio Ecclesia Dei, in which he recognised the rightful aspirations of all those faithful who feel attached to some previous liturgical and disciplinary forms of the Latin Tradition.

Our parish priest, appointed in 2013, is the Rev Fr Duncan Wong, FSSP.

Our liturgies are enhanced by the leadership of the Schola Cantorum and the Choir of St Radegund, who support the singing of the congregation at sung Mass with authentic Gregorian Chant, and, at times, with traditional Latin Hymns and Renaissance polyphony.

An example of our Schola singing
Tantum ergo (Corsican version) - mp3

Our Sung Mass, every Sunday and Thursday, is a mature religious, aesthetic and cultural treasure enacting the full expression of our communal Catholic heritage, rooted in litugical symbolism, austere yet rich, solemn yet joyful, with the whole community of everyday Catholics participating at Mass in prayer, response, chant and sacred action.

Much prayerful time and effort has been given to ensure that the laity is involved in the ritual. Every Sunday Mass starts with the congregation chanting the Asperges and ends with a chanted Sub Tuum honouring the patroness of the Chapel, Our Lady of the Maternal Heart. Through the Mass, the people chant the Latin responses, sing the Kyrie, the Gloria, the Creed, the Sanctus, and the Agnus Dei.

Before and after Mass on Sundays the congregation are invited to join in with the traditional chanted Divine Offices of Terce and Sext. After Thursday Mass, the laity are invited to chant Compline.

And after Mass, all are invited to share in refreshments and friendly conversation in the intimate courtyard of the Chapel.