July, 2018

Winter Wonderland Social Ball CANCELLED

The Events Committee regret to inform you that the 2018 Winter Wonderland Social Ball on 21 July is cancelled with the intention of re-hosting next year.

This is due to not reaching the sufficient number of people to cover costs.

Apologies to those who have purchased tickets.

We will refund your money in the next few weeks.

Annual Walk – Pilgrimage of St Mary of the Cross

12th August after 10.30 am Mass.

Vespers and Benediction at 5 pm – Shrine of St Mary of the Cross (MacKillop)

Spit Bridge to Manly walk: Friday 10am

Join us this Friday (July for 3-hour walk (10kms).

Minimum age: 10y.o. Minors must be accompanied by parent or designated guardian.

Leaving from north end of The Spit Bridge at 10am. Should arrive at Manly between 1 & 2, then catch the ferry back to Circular Quay.

Bring: Water, lunch, hat, sun-cream, Opal Card.

Contact: John Gresser or Fr Sypher.

Fr Daniel Mould Thanksgiving Mass

Fr Daniel Mould has arrived at Ezechiel House and will be able to offer his thanksgiving Mass at 7 pm this coming Thursday (19th of July) and confer 1st Blessings after that.

Traditionally, we kiss the palm of the hands of the newly ordained after the blessing but if you have an illness or have lowered immunity, you do not have to do so.

Everyone is most welcome.

Holy Family Education is currently in recess will resume 27th July.

Wednesday Adult Education is in recess and will resume on 25th July.

The next Charitable Works Fund collection for the Archdiocese of Sydney will be 5 Aug.

There will be Rosary before Low Mass every Sunday at 8.05 am and at 8.30 am before 1st Saturday Mass

Please submit prayer petitions and prayers for the sick to Ezechiel House: the priests and the seminarians will be happy to pray for your intentions.

Cleanliness - Please keep the areas around the kitchen and courtyard clean and tidy. Pick up children's litter around fountain area.

Parking - Do not park in the Sheltered Village Court Parking Lot.

Parking - Please do not park in two spaces reserved for the Soup Kitchen Vans. Those areas are clearly marked in blue.

Parking - Please leave first two parking places available for elderly and frail Mass-goers.


Holy Communion is only given on the tongue and kneeling as it is the discipline enforced in the Mass of the Extraordinary Form. Those who cannot kneel because of illness, frailty or old-age are not obliged to kneel and should feel comfortable to stand when receiving Holy Communion.


First Thursdays

Collect: Send, we beseeech Thee, O Lord, labourers into Thy vineyard, in order that both the precepts of Thy only-begotten Son may be perpetually observed and that the sacrifice may be everywhere renewed.

Secret: Make perfect the tribute we offer, as a sacrament for the vitality of Thy people, so that ministers, having been increased, in the circling of Thine altar, may bring together prayers and sacrifices to Thee.

Post-Communion: Having been filled with the heavenly mysteries, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that Thou wouldst deign to increase Thy ministers in both number and sanctifying charity.


The First Collection is for the support of the Fraternity priests who work at Maternal Heart of Mary Church. This includes food, lodging, insurance and health care.

The Second Collection is for the material needs for the running of Maternal Heart of Mary Church: electricity, printing, candles, charcoal, incense, petrol, etc.

The Thursday Collection is for the support of the FSSP seminarians under the Australian Region of the FSSP.

As other parishes run by Religious Orders and Societies of Apostolic Life, we are allowed to have different collections for the needs of the Church and the religious community where the need arises.


A reminder that any funerals or marriages at Maternal Heart can only be held on Saturdays due to the working hours of the various offices of the Church that own and use the facilities.

Six months notice must be given before any wedding.